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Does Jello Go Bad?

Does Jello Go Bad?

Jello is the largest selling dessert in the USA. It’s a dessert made with a sweetened and processed collagen product – gelatin. Jello can be made with gelatine or a store-bought mix. But, what all of us have loved since the early days are the jello cups. Today we’re going to answer an important question – does jello go bad?

Jello cups have been a lunchbox favorite since elementary school for so many of us. We can’t help it, we love jello. There’s something about that wiggly, fruit-filled cup that just makes it irresistible.

What’s so great about jello is that it can be used for a number of things: desserts like fruit salads, parfaits, cakes, and even salads! Jello salads were hugely popular in the 60s, and if you ask any grandma, they’re still popular now.

So, you’ve bought a lot of jello cups on sale, and you’re not quite sure how much time you have until they go bad. If you have questions about storage, shelf-life, and does jello go bad, this is the article for you!

Does Jello Go Bad?

Jello is a beloved dessert for many of us. It’s a wonderful addition to everyone’s lunchbox. What concerns you, concerns us as well – can Jello spoil? So, for the exciting reveal: Jello does, actually, go bad. Children’s favorite snack has an expiration date, and why?

Food goes bad because of water content. Water makes fungi and bacteria thrive. Unfortunately, homemade jello contains enough water to spoil very soon. Eating spoiled jello can give you a stomachache.

To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, follow the guidelines below and the instructions on the label. Proper storage and care will ensure the safety of your goods for some time.

Pre-packaged Jello cups can go bad, too. They have a long-lasting shelf-life, but they can’t last forever. Always check the storage conditions and the state of your Jello before you eat it!

Dry Jello mix, on the other hand, can’t go bad. It can last indefinitely unopened. If you open the box because the recipe calls for a spoonful of Jello mix, relax – you’ve got a few months ahead of you to go through it all.

How Long Does Jello Last?

Jello mix or jello pre-packed cups come with a best-before date printed on the label. The best-before date, or best-by date, doesn’t mean the food in question will inherently go bad. Basically, it’s the company’s guarantee that the food in question will retain the same quality up to that date.

The food with a best-before date will perhaps lose some flavor or quality after that date has passed, but it will remain safe for consumption. In the case of jello, the printed date has more to do with the packaging – it might break down sooner than jello itself. Because of this, you should eat up your jello without worrying, if you stored it properly (check the tips and recommendations below). Inadequate storage can shorten the lifespan of your jello.

So, how long does Jello really last?

An unopened boxed dry mix, as mentioned, can last forever in good storage. When you do open it, remember you have around three to four months to spend it all.

The thing is a little different when it comes to those savory little cups of jello. Those have a shelf-life of three to four months if sealed and stored in the cupboard or pantry. If you have so much jello you can’t possibly go through it all in four months, we’ve got a solution for you! Prolong the life of pre-packaged jello cups by storing them in the fridge. Refrigerating the jello cups will give them a longer shelf-life of 12 to 18 months.

Once you’ve prepared jello (made with the box mix or gelatine), you have a week, ten days tops to eat it all. After that, the jello will become rubbery, and won’t be very tasty.

How To Tell If The Jello Has Gone Bad

There are a few ways to tell if your jello has gone bad. Read this part carefully to learn how to do that.

Dry jello mix lasts indefinitely, as we already mentioned. However, if water gets inside the box, it will turn the powder into clumps or it will become moldy. If you notice any changes in the box, please throw it out.

One more thing to keep in mind: your boxed mix can lose the ability to turn water into jello over time. If you made jello and it didn’t turn out right, your best bet is throwing it out.

When it comes to pre-packaged jello, the first step is to unseal it and look at the jello carefully. If you can see water sitting on top, it’s most likely gone sour. If there is mold on the jello, discard it immediately. 

If everything looks good, the next step is eating a spoonful. Rest assured, eating a little will not make you ill. If it tastes bitter or sour, it’s not safe for consumption and you should trash it.

Jello prepared at home will resemble rubber after a few days. That doesn’t mean it’s spoiled, but it’s not very savory, either.

How To Store Jello

Storing Jello mainly depends on the type of Jello you want to safe keep: pre-packaged Jello cups, boxed dry mix, or homemade Jello.

When it comes to pre-prepared jello, it should be stored in a dry, cool place – the pantry works best. Store it away from any humidity or source of heat. 

The place where you plan to store the jello should maintain the same temperature at all times. When food goes through constant temperature changes, that creates condensation (because of moisture in the air) inside the packages. That moisture makes the perfect environment for the growth of mold and mildew.

The refrigerator is a better option than the pantry, but it’s not necessary. Consider putting the jello cups in airtight containers if you have some leftover lunch or dinner in the fridge. Jello can soak up other odors from its surroundings, ruining the flavor.

The best rule of thumb when it comes to storing Jello: if you bought the Jello in the chilly area of the supermarket, it should be stored in the refrigerator. However, if you took it from the shelf, it should remain on the shelf (in your pantry).

You can prolong the freshness of your homemade Jello by storing it in the refrigerator right after use (the temperature should be lower than 40 degrees Fahrenheit). Use airtight containers to keep humidity and other stuff out.

Extra tip: always use a clean spoon or utensil when serving Jello to make it last longer.

Jello should never be placed in the freezer. It changes the density of your Jello considerably. Freezing breaks the bonds holding the Jello together – and it will separate when unfrosted. A chunky pile of Jello instead of that one solid cup – we don’t think so.

If you’re thinking about freezing Jello in order to make the process of making it at home breezy – you can freeze it for no more than 30 minutes, and move it to the fridge afterward. However, our recommendation is to add icy water to the mix (after dissolving the powder with hot water). This will make the Jello set faster as well.

So, to conclude: it might be best to avoid putting Jello in the freezer. Unless the Jello in question is jello pudding pops, which are bought frozen and should remain at freezing temperatures.

Does Jello Go Bad – Conclusion

Jello is amazing, we agree. You can whip some up for unexpected guests, it’s a base for many salads and desserts. On a particularly lazy day, jello cups are the perfect dessert. These are probably just some of the reasons why jello is the best-selling dessert in our country.

So, does jello go bad? Yes, it can go bad. Although, you will get the best value for your money if you keep it following the advice we gave you. 

When it comes to the boxed mix – storage is key. Pristine storage conditions ensure your boxed jello is good for years to come.

Homemade jello is safe for consumption for around 10 days, provided you keep it in the fridge. After that, it will degrade in quality.

Jello cups have a pretty long lifespan – 3 to 4 months, and even longer if you keep them in the fridge. Refrigerated cups have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months.

In order to enjoy your pre-packed jello cup, take a few seconds before you start eating to check it out. Mold or liquid collection on the surface is a sign your jello has spoiled. Don’t even think about consuming this jello, as it can make you ill.

If the jello looks fine to you, it’s time for a taste test. If the taste is bitter or sour, it’s most likely gone bad. The safest solution is throwing it out.

However, if your jello passed the test with flying colors, you know what that means. It’s time to savor that dessert! Bon appetit!