For centuries people have been enjoying the delicious Middle Eastern dip and spread – hummus. In the past few decades, it’s become hugely popular in the west too, and we’re not surprised. If you’ve ever tried hummus, you’re probably not surprised too.
Everything about hummus is so simple, from the basic ingredients to the easy preparation process. Simple, yet amazing!
If you’ve ever bought extra hummus or you’ve tried to make your own and wound up with a huge batch, you’ve probably asked yourself – how long does hummus last?
This is a question many of us hummus lovers have asked once or twice. The answer to the age-old question is actually quite simple. Like all food, hummus has a definite shelf-life. If you’re curious to find out more, stay with us until the end as we go through the most important facts about hummus and the answer to the question. So, how long, indeed?
What Is Hummus?
You’re probably familiar with hummus as it’s been ultra-popular in the west for quite some time. But did you know that hummus originates from the Middle East?
Hummus is the Arabic word for “chickpeas” which is the essential ingredient in this delicious dip and spread. Besides chickpeas, hummus is also made with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. The reason people love hummus so much is not only because of the taste and creamy texture, but also because you can easily make your own hummus at home and add all kinds of herbs, spices, vegetables, and mushrooms to make it even more delicious!
Besides being very tasty, hummus is also healthy. It’s packed with minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, and it’s a great source of plant-based protein, perfect for vegans and vegetarians. Chickpea is full of fiber that promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and hummus can help control your blood sugar level.
See Also:
Store-bought Vs. Homemade
Making your own hummus is always a good idea. You can put 100% natural ingredients, without any preservatives, and you can also make it according to your own taste, by adding special herbs and spices! Plus, the process is very simple and it doesn’t require any complicated steps!
If stored properly, homemade hummus usually lasts for about seven days. It can maybe go up to eight or nine days, but we strongly recommend that you eat it in seven or less.
Store-bought hummus always has an expiration date on the packaging, but it’s usually good four to six days past the expiration date, even after opening it. You can trust your gut on this one. If it smells or tastes weird, throw it away, but if not, it’s probably good to eat.
You have to keep in mind, though, that store-bought hummus is often full of salt and other preservatives that give it longer shelf life. This may be convenient, but it’s not very healthy, so try to give a chance to homemade hummus whenever possible!
How To Store Hummus?
Whether it’s store-bought or homemade, hummus has to be stored properly, otherwise, there’s a huge risk it will go bad before its time.
The best way to keep hummus from going bad too fast is definitely to store it in the fridge. However, if you want to get the most of the flavor and aromas from hummus, make sure to take it out of the fridge half an hour before you plan to eat it. Hummus is most delicious when eaten at room temperature because it’s not as cold and it has a creamy texture.
Besides putting it in the fridge, there are several more things you can do to improve the shelf life of hummus.
Firstly, think about the packaging. It’s always smarter to keep your hummus in a glass container rather than a plastic one. Plastic is prone to the development of bacteria and mold very fast, much faster than glass. So, if you make your own hummus, we highly suggest putting it in a glass container before storing it in the fridge. Even if you only eat store-bought, it’s a good idea to take it out of the plastic and put it into a glass container!
One more useful tip is to splash a small amount of olive oil on top of the hummus before placing it in the fridge. The layer of oil will protect the hummus from any air it would otherwise get in contact with, and it will also keep it moist!
Can You Freeze Hummus?
You’ve got too much hummus and you think you won’t eat it before it goes bad, so you’re probably wondering if it would be a good idea to freeze it. But, can you freeze hummus? Well, yes, you can!
Hummus can be frozen but keep in mind that you cannot leave it in the freezer for too long. Once hummus is frozen, it won’t exactly retain all of the delicious flavors, and the longer it’s frozen, the more noticeable change in the flavor is.
To get the best results, put your hummus in a freezer-safe container. It’s crucial to get an air-tight container, because, as you probably know, the air is the number one enemy when it comes to freezing food.
If you have too much homemade hummus, it’s better to place it in small containers. This way, when you feel like eating it, you can take out a small portion without the risk of wasting any.
You can also drizzle a bit of olive oil on top, but make sure to not put too much, just a thin layer of oil will do the job!
Now, when it comes to taking it out of the freezer, you have to think ahead. The best thing to do is to take the hummus out of the freezer 24 hours before you plan to eat it and put it in the fridge to allow it to defrost gradually and steadily. The slow defrosting process will make it tasty and creamy.
If the defrosted hummus doesn’t taste as good as before, you can always add some spices like paprika or black pepper, or even freshly chopped garlic to bring it back to life!
Just be careful not to keep hummus in the freezer for longer than six months!
How To Tell If Hummus Has Gone Bad
Expiration date alone is not the best indication of whether hummus is safe to eat or not. Sometimes, hummus can be good a few days after the expiry date, although it may not be of the best quality.
You won’t have a hard time figuring out if hummus has gone bad, but if you’re not sure, there are several ways you can check.
The first indicator that your hummus is no longer good is the smell. If you open the container and immediately sense a sour smell, it’s bad. There’s no need to taste it and put your digestive system at unnecessary risk. This sour smell is apparent in both homemade and store-bought hummus, despite the preservatives they put in.
Furthermore, if you see any fungus or mold growing on your hummus, that is a definite sign it’s gone bad, and you should not try to taste it. Mold can grow in an unopened container too, so make sure to open it and eat within a few days, a week at most!
Last but not least, you can taste it. If there’s no bad smell and no mold, but you’re still uncertain, put a tiny amount in your mouth. If it has a sour taste, it’s no longer good. Otherwise, it should be fine!
With hummus, like with most food, it’s always safe to trust your senses. If something feels a bit off, you should simply disregard the hummus and not risk your health!
Final Word
So, how long does hummus last? It’s simple!
Whether you have store-bought or homemade hummus, it’s best if you eat it in seven days tops. If you love brand hummus from the store, don’t pay too much attention to the expiry date because hummus can often be good a couple of days past the expiration.
In any case, it’s always the best idea to trust your gut. Smell it, taste it, and if something seems off, just throw it away. However, always make sure to eat it no longer than seven days after opening or making it! There’s a good chance it will go bad after that and there’s no reason why you should risk your health.
There you have it, the answer to the question “How long does hummus last”. We hope we’ve been able to help you and answer all your questions about your favorite chickpea dip!